Monthly Archives: June 2009

New Theme


“Hugs Will Save Us”
colors: Orange and Black.
size: 5.5in x 7in
due: Sometime in July, I haven’t really decided yet. According to my schedule, I will probably print this towards the end of July, along with the issue following it. In other words, I am a little behind, so to catch up (since this i supposed to be “June’s” issue), I am going to print two at the same time.

So in a few weeks, I’ll post the theme that follows this.

Here are some things to keep in mind:
– The artwork needs to be drawn.
– You must include the words of the theme.
– Scan your work in at 300dpi or higher. Just make sure the file you send me is at least 300dpi.
– This will be screen printed, so if you know about the process, you can send me the artwork split into two solid black layers – what you want orange and what you want black. At the very least, try to send me a file where the orange is on one layer and the black on another.
If you still can’t or don’t want to do that, no big deal, i will just split it up when i get it.

This is an OPEN CALL for submissions. I want everyone to doodle something and send it in, but understand that not everyone that sends something in will make it into the final print version.
ONLY 16 artists make it in. That is, until i start selling enough of these to get a bigger budget.
If your artwork does get selected, you get a free artist proof of the book. (It looks exactly the same, it is just one of the ones printed first).
And you can then make a donation, if you feel so compelled.

So there you go!
Please start submitting right away.
Send files to OR
Send your questions and concern there as well. AND PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Test Everything relies on awesome people like you spreading the word!

~rand renfrow
ps: Don’t forget to purchase Don’t Worry About the Smiles, They’re Normal in the store

***ATTENTION: Everything’s Okay, I Drew This For You is SOLD OUT!


Filed under news, products, theme

Welcome to the all new Test Everything site!

Well, it sure has been a while. Sorry about that. We were really trying to get everything more organized here at Test Everything, so things would be easier for everyone to stay updated, to submit ideas, to communicate, and to purchase Test Everything releases, and it just took a little longer than expected. This site is still in the works, so please bear with us as new features develop.

The first new thing you will notice is the Test Everything emailing list. Above and to the right is a link to sign up to receive updates about all Test Everything has going on, delivered straight to your inbox. No more checking our flickr everyday, or our outdated myspace page, or, heck, even this website. All updates will come to you, safe and sound (and not too often as to be annoying) with details galore. We promise, no spam.

Also, we have a brand new STORE, for easier checkouts, with a brand new issue of our themed zine!

Don’t Worry About The Smiles, They’re Normal
(An edition of 30. Featuring: Will Bryant, Katie Turner, Jay Cover, +more!)
cover by: C86 | Matt Lyon (view all spreads @ Flickr)
This issue is amazing! Such wonderful contributors. It is hard to believe how things just keep getting better at Test Everything.
(ALSO, check out the new buttons for sale in the STORE.)

If you are sitting there wondering what this is all about, then check out the ABOUT page. When that is done, it should have all the information you need about Test Everything, and about how to submit to our themed zines, and how to get the ball rolling on any idea you may have.
We are still accepting submissions from any creative people for any printing project whatsoever. Just email us at or Can’t wait to here from you!

(the next post after this will announce the next theme and colors and info for the next issue of the zine. Stay tuned! Tell your friends!)

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Filed under news, products